Supportive luxury. Delicious ornament. Creative sensory evolution.

A natural perfume that doubles as a reading of your natal chart.

Do you want to know what it feels like to be wrapped in the scent of your journey?

I work with flowers, leaves, and resins that are here to support you. Follow me…



Your perfume is a custom blend of essential oils, absolutes, etc, based on your natal chart.

All materials are natural extracts blended with fractionated coconut oil.


A combination of plants ruled by the planets of your sun, moon, and rising signs provide support,

while plants associated with your north node (a point in space that indicates the direction of your dharma)

encourage gentle movement toward personal evolution.

Signature scents are refined by my nose and intuition.


To Order

The button below will send you to the shop where you will be prompted to fill out a custom form. (For refills, I already have your information on file!)

This process either requires that you know these four placements (sun, moon, rising, north node) in your chart, or that you know the exact time and place of your birth.

If you would like to have a copy of your natal chart, you can create one for free at Feel free to send a copy of this chart if astrology is not familiar to you; it will include all the information needed to make your perfume.

It is also helpful to know if there are scents you would like to avoid for health or dietary reasons: allergies, veganism, etc.

$133. 10 ml $73. refill (same quantity)


“I want to bathe in my custom perfume! The scents individually were unexpected, but when I put it on it was undeniably mine.”  JM

“My blend smells like me and gets me every time. The surprise that came with it was sweet, like someone else knew me and could translate parts of me in a new way. I wear it when I want to feel more connected to myself or when I’m going to do something brave or new and also when I get to have some solid alone time.” ZM

“What is remarkable about my custom scent is how personal it feels. I wear it when I want to be attuned and settled in my body. It’s never intrusive like other scents can be. Knowing the care and power of the plants used for my blend is both a comfort and an inspiration.

I’m on my second refill and I remain absolutely in love with it.” BM